On Page SEO Process and SEOpressor Plugin

Defenition of On-Page SEO:

"On Page Content" SEO focuses on text (targeted keyword optimization) and content on your web site pages, articles or blog posts. On page SEO is specifically about editing your web page and blog content so the Search Engine spiders can find your web page when an internet surfer is searching for your web sites based on your targeted keywords or key phrases. This is where SEOpressor comes in handy to help with your on page content relevance, usability, leverage, traffic and top ranking.

Snapshot History of On page SEO:

On Page SEO is the most basic and has been around the longest, since the beginning of search engines. In the onset, search engines used simpler and less sophisticated technology, and the number of websites was alot smaller than what it is today. At the time "ON Page" SEO was more popular than getting a ton of backlinks in order to rank higher in the search engines. On page content optimization worked years ago and still working today, and it was basically an easy comparison. As the World Wide Web grew larger and larger it became more difficult for search engines to differentiate between your site and other sites. For instance, a search on "insurance" may return 100 million  web pages or blog posts that have the word "insurance" on it. So On page content SEO began to take off as the Internet and search engine spiders become more complex.

On Page Elements You Must Optimize:

On Page Content Elements refer to the html tags within your web page, blog posts, articles or newsletter content. They include Heading Tags (<H1>), Title Tags, Bold Tags, Italic tags on your web page. SEOpressor becomes a handy tool that help out in all these on page factors to optimize your keywords, content value, relevance--giving you advantage, leverage for top search engine ranking in your chosen niche or target keyword while attracting hoards of traffic to your website.

See http://www.uzomarketing.com/SEOpressor.html to learn more about how SEOpressor can help your content relevance, leverage, and top ranking while helping your website traffic to soar.


SEOpressor, Intelligent Onpage SEO Tweaking Guide

SEOpressor is the mandatory onpage SEO plugin software that helps you optimize your page content by adjusting your keywords, page relevance which gives you leverage to rank well in the search engines.

SEOpressor intelligence tweaking guide has 3 features I like. First it tells you your page SEO keyword word score checker, and keyword density (all in percentages) of what it should be from the reference values. Then the third feature here is 7 series of check lists, warnings and suggestions. Examples are found below:
  • You do not have H1 tag containing your keyword
  • You do not have H2 tag containing your keyword
  • SEOpressor will automatically bold your keyword
  • SEOpressor will Italicize your keyword or key phrases
  • SEOpressor will automatically underline your keyword
  • You do not have an image for SEOpressor to add ALT tag
  • You do not have an internal link to your other pages
The whole purpose of this segment of the work of SEOpressor is onpage SEO tweaking guide to optimize your page content. It all centers around your targeted keyword. SEOpressor shows your keyword score in percentage. Most pages don't even have the correct keyword score or density. Most pages keyword score is below 60% (normal should approach 100%) and most of their keyword density is below 2% (normal should be between 3-5%). SEOpressor shows that most web pages, blog posts and articles do not have enough keyword score or density as such are not optimized for content, surfers or the search engines.

Watch SEOpressor onpage SEO video and Increase your website relevance, leverage and search engine ranking.

SEOpressor Can Do 15 Things for Your Website Relevance and Ranking

SEOpressor is the professional on-page SEO plugin software system that gives you content leverage, relevance and top ranking while attracting targeted traffic to your web pages, blog posts or articles. Doing an SEO work and not tweaking the onpage factors first is like shooting in the dark. SEOpressor throws in the light and dispel darkness of speculation, uncertainty and assumptions in your SEO projects.

Here are 15 Power points of things that SEOpressor can do for you and your website content and traffic:

  1. Analyses heading titles, especially the three most important one--H1, H2, and H3 tags.
  2. Analyses of keyword density and content length.
  3. Analyses the exact placement of keywords or key phrases.
  4. Analyses images and links.
  5. Analyses font decorations.
  6. Intelligently bold, Italicize, and underlines your keywords.
  7. Intelligently add ALT tag to your images.
  8. Capable of testing and rating each post and page.
  9. Calculate SEO score to reveal your on-page content optimization.
  10. Comes with secret algorithm that correlates with Google Analytics.
  11. Recalculates and assigns SEO scores when post changes.
  12. Easy content management with SEO scores besides your posts.
  13. Intelligently gives suggestions on what to tweak
  14. Pump Wordpress site high up in the search engines.
  15. Drives red hot targeted traffic to your website, blog or article.
SEOpressor plugin does all the above 15 things together in synergy as one automation software. You can never tell what you are doing in your SEO project until you run this software and what you are doing wrong. SEOpressor also make suggestion and help you optimize your keyword, maximize your page content value and gives you leverage to rank high in search engines while attracting projects like crazy to your website.

For more information on SEOpressor and achieving onpage leverage, relevance and ranking watch: SEOpressor Demonstration Videos

SEOpressor, the On-page SEO Tool for Increasing Your Ranking

SEOpressor is the ultimate Wordpress plugin system because it is a handy tool for onpage SEO work. It's like every corner you turn, everyone is claiming to be an SEO expert and are trying to figure out what Google is doing. All these are half-truths, assumptions and speculations if you don't use a tool like SEOpressor, you are bound to approach SEO blindly. The beauty is that SEOpressor works to optimize your web pages, blog posts and even articles.

SEOpressor gives you on-page leverage, increasing your page relevance and value for your surfers while increasing your ranking with the search engines with little or no backlinks.

Here are 5 reasons why you need SEOpressor for the first and most important process in your SEO project--on-page optimization:
  • All search engines look at on-page relevancy first
  • They then look at backlinks and other factors thereafter
  • All websites ranking top 10 have good relevancy score
  • All SEO companies start a project tweaking on-page page
  • Professional SEO companies will REJECT your business if you refuse to tweak your on-page by their instructions.
Online, ontent is king as well as cash. In other words, it is content that drives the cash flow. The web surfers are looking primarily for information. This content must be quality, relevant, useful, valuable and retrievable. This is where SEOpressor comes in handy for the web owner. When you gain relevance, you gain leverage that takes you to the top of the search engines for your targeted keywords. The law of process is involved here, though. You have to start with the end (cash flow) in mind. Content attracts information.  Consumers, then Consumers turn into Customer before you pocket Cash. SEOpressor is the initial on-page tool that initiates and keeps the process going.

To learn more on how to invest in SEOpressor, Watch SEOpressor Videos for onpage optimization, relevance, leverage and increase search engine ranking of your webpages.